2024-08-18 17:50
News Code: 514226

A new wave of protests is coming in American universities / Pro-Palestinian students are planning new rallies

A new wave of protests is coming in American universities / Pro-Palestinian students are planning new rallies

With the end of the summer holidays approaching and the reopening of American universities, the countdown has begun for the resumption of student protests against Israel's crimes in Gaza and America's cooperation with it.

to report «iusnews»; In its latest report describing the new wave of student protests against Israel, the Associated Press wrote: At the same time as students return to American universities, university officials across the United States are preparing to deal with a new wave of student protests against Israel.

Although the summer vacation of American universities, apparently led to a break in the protest movement of students in this country against the war in Gaza, at the same time, it provided an opportunity for protesting students to plan their actions in the fall semester.

These statements herald the beginning of a new season of protests against the crimes of the Zionist regime. With the display of unbelievable savagery and brutality by the Zionists in recent days against the Palestinian people, Israel has now fallen in the public opinion of the world. Therefore, in this report, we will take a look at the latest news and reports about student protests.

Universities across the United States unite against Israel

American news media reports that at the same time as students return to American universities, university officials across the United States are preparing to deal with a new wave of student protests against the Israeli regime.

As students return to campuses across the United States, university officials are preparing to deal with a resurgence of student activism and protests against the war in Gaza.
 Some of these universities are considering implementing new laws to limit the type and scope of protests that swept American universities last spring.

Some of the new laws adopted by universities include the prohibition of setting up protest tents, limiting the duration of protests, allowing protests to be held only in designated places, and preventing protests from being held in campuses where educational or administrative buildings of universities are located.

Many of the new policies adopted by universities require protesting students to register and obtain permits in advance to hold protests, restrict the locations of protests, and impose new restrictions on the use of loudspeakers, banners, and posters. .

A draft of a document related to Harvard University reported by the US media indicates that the university intends to ban nightly demonstrations and writing slogans.

Protests against the Gaza war began on the Columbia University campus in April, inspiring similar encampments at other universities across the United States and beyond.

Tensions escalated at the end of April, when police returned to the campus, arresting about 300 people and clearing an encampment of pro-Palestinian protesters from the campus.

The police attack on students and their arrest at Columbia University in the United States rekindled anti-Israel protests in the United States. Before these conflicts, the students of this university asked the university authorities to cut off their relations with Israeli companies and institutions.

 Some critics of the new policies of American universities to deal with the establishment of student protests, including the American Association of University Professors, issued a statement condemning these overly restrictive policies that could inhibit free speech.

In the statement of the Association of University Professors of the United States, it is emphasized that American colleges and universities should not suppress dialogues and free debates even about the deepest beliefs of the American society, but should encourage these dialogues and free debates.

The violent treatment of the professors and students by the police and the scenes of their beating hurt the public's mind in this country. In numerous analyzes and reports, the American media presented these protests and events as the most similar event to the developments of the 60s and 70s in the United States in protest against the Vietnam War.

The use of violence and police tools to confront and suppress peaceful and increasingly peaceful gatherings and protests of American students and youth and the entry of the police into the university environment is against the claims of that country about the principle of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and makes the environment and scientific centers more secure.

Such violent repressions are part of the policy of openly supporting Israel's killings and war crimes and will encourage that regime to continue creating tension, waging war and genocide.

The protest gatherings are a sign of the increasing anger and concern of the awakened consciences in America, including the Muslim community of that country, as well as the growing concerns of the international community regarding the continuation and strengthening of the extensive financial, political and weapons support of the American government and Congress for war crimes and genocide in Palestine.

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